Page 2525 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 7 August 1991

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Mr Jensen: On a point of order, Mr Speaker - - -

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker - - -

MR SPEAKER: I call Mr Berry.

Mr Jensen: Mr Speaker, I thought I was on my feet first.

Mr Berry: There is a point of order.

Mr Jensen: I rose on a point of order, too, Mr Berry.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Jensen, I gave Mr Berry the call, inadvertent as it may be. I thought you were seeking the call.

Mr Jensen: I yelled out, "Point of order". I will obviously have to shout a bit louder next time, Mr Speaker; I am sorry.

MR SPEAKER: If you had not been making so much noise, I would have heard you. I call Mr Berry.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, yesterday you were quite sympathetic to the rowdiness on the other side. I can understand and agree that you should have had some sympathy for these people because they were twitchy about the performance of the Government. But today, Mr Speaker, while Ministers have been attempting to answer questions, there has been outrageous noise from the other side. They do not seem to be able to cope with opposition. One of the things that they will have to learn to cope with is a little bit of discipline as to how they listen to answers. We do not mind sitting quietly and listening to their questions. Would they mind just sitting quietly and listening to the answers that they get.

MR SPEAKER: I take that as a valid statement. I call Mr Jensen.

Mr Jensen: Thank you, Mr Speaker. My point of order is in respect of the fact that the question was not answered by Mr Connolly. He went off on a long diatribe and was debating the issue, which is contrary to standing orders in relation to providing an answer to a question.

MR SPEAKER: That was a valid point.

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