Page 2512 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 7 August 1991

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The Liberals were getting into that issue as well - and they cannot deny it. We all know Mr Kevin Gill. The fact is that there is a Weston Creek Community Association. It is long established, it performs great work out in the Weston Creek area, it has supported and run a major centre there and Mr Baxter is its competent chair. The P and C Association is used to dealing with the Weston Creek association.

Yet in comes another little rump group who want to use this as a vehicle for some sort of new move in the community. So the major parties become involved. The only point that I will agree with Mr Moore on is that the issue is closer to the parents of those children, and closer to the children themselves, and they should have a major say in it and it should not be muddied with the attempts to set up another community council.

The Rally took the view that at another meeting, on 14 August, I believe, the parents and citizens, in a more orderly atmosphere, will express their views and what they want. In that context I do not doubt what Mr Humphries says. I am quite sure, from what Mr Knox tells me, that those parental groups and the children involved want that amalgamation.

But I believe that as a democratic Assembly we should not base this decision on the result of a 110 to 96 evening debate, with Mr Moore and all the other miscellaneous fraternity involved in other more interesting endeavours to do with setting up or putting down a council for the Weston Creek area. Surely the parents and children involved should be more directly consulted. They were in the past. And, if there is any doubt about it, I believe that that will be dispelled by the parent groups on 14 August, if my memory serves me correctly.

Mr Knox, in my conversation with him, indicated that the meeting on 29 July was likely to involve the issues arising out of an attempt to set up a Weston Creek council - which, of course, probably cannot lawfully be established because there is a Weston Creek Association, with a similar name. It would be confused with that. I doubt whether the Attorney has the power, in any event, to allow the registrar to register a Weston Creek council because there is a Weston Creek Association which can quite easily, constitutionally, alter and add to its name and call itself a council, which it is properly constituted to be.

So, I am sorry to disappoint Mrs Nolan and other members of the duopoly who want to get involved in Mr Gill's enterprise - for it or against it - worthy though it is. This motion of Mrs Nolan's is premature, and I believe that it is related to the other debate that should have been before the house today.

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