Page 2502 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 7 August 1991

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Motion (by Dr Kinloch) put:

That the debate be now adjourned.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 4  NOES, 13 

Mr Collaery Mr Berry
Mr Jensen Mr Connolly
Dr Kinloch Mr Duby
Mr Stevenson Ms Follett
 Mrs Grassby
 Mr Humphries
 Mr Kaine
 Ms Maher
 Mr Moore
 Mrs Nolan
 Mr Prowse
 Mr Stefaniak
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

DR KINLOCH (11.47): I come now to address the question of the Weston Creek area, the Stromlo school and so forth. One reason I was anxious not to proceed at this stage is that I would like to do the very thing Mr Wood is talking about. I do not believe that there has yet been sufficient community input. There has been a lot of community input; but, frankly, I am confused about it.

Mr Kaine: You are always confused, Hector; that is nothing new.

DR KINLOCH: I heard noises in the background. Could we have the machines adjusted so that we do not have these noises in the background? I would appreciate it.

Mr Moore: They are normal interjections.

DR KINLOCH: I heard other noises over here. I will just speak louder over the noises, which I completely reject.

The Rally has received information from one group that would seem to suggest that the community would like to go ahead with an amalgamated school as soon as possible. We have information from another group with a slight majority vote that they would not like that amalgamation to go ahead as soon as possible. So, I think it fair to say that at the moment it is not yet clear how the community stands.

I would like here and now to call on all sides in this matter to have yet another meeting at which this can be fully debated. At the moment the matter is unclear. Mrs Nolan's motion puts one point of view; Mr Wood puts another point of view. I think Mr Wood puts it in a more balanced way. Clearly, we are not yet in a position to know what

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