Page 2488 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 7 August 1991

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Mr Speaker, section 4 of the Act also indicates that a determination is required. This letter does not appear to fit the formal terms of a determination; but, on its face, it clearly is. We heard much from Mr Connolly, when he was in opposition, about the rights of the public to have this type of subordinate determinative decision making tabled for the information of the public so that they know just what we are up to in looking after ourselves. I now seek leave to table this document. If the Government is not going to, I seek leave to table what I regard as the determination.

Leave granted.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Speaker, I am tabling it so that the public can see it, not just the cosy fraternity of this Assembly. When the public see that, they will see that the leader of the Liberal Opposition or the Government Opposition, or whatever the term is these days, is wallowing in $146,268 to lead three other members of the Assembly, excluding you, Mr Speaker. I exclude you from this debate, as a matter of propriety. You have your own funds. Mr Speaker, we believe that Mr Kaine leads three members of the Liberal Party. I lead two members of the Rally and I get $49,000. It is a squalid reflection, Mr Speaker, on the priorities of the Labor Government that it would fully fund that situation.

Mr Speaker, the other issue that my Bill raises is that in the title "Leaders of Minor Parties" Ms Follett has elevated Mr Moore and Mr Stevenson to leading minor parties in the Assembly with parliamentary duties. Mr Speaker, they do not lead other MLAs. They do have registered political parties, but the whole function and character of this Act is to refer to extra parliamentary duties. I am shored up in that view by Mr Justice Mahoney of the very important Remuneration Tribunal. In his determination No. 22 of 1990 he said:

It may be that future circumstances will change -

that is, were the Rally to be out of government; we were in government at the time he made this determination -

such that the matter should be re-examined.

That relates to the provision of an extra salary to the leader of the Residents Rally. I do not seek an extra salary, Mr Speaker, and I do not know whether I would go ahead simply because I am in opposition and seek that extra salary. If I could and did get it, I would pass it on immediately to the good women who are assisting me, one of whom is supplementing the other's salary.

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