Page 2486 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 7 August 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Berry, please!

MR COLLAERY: I will answer the interjection through you, Mr Speaker, as to why I did not put it to her. As the Clerk well knows, I discovered this about 20 minutes ago, and I rang him.

Ms Follett: Oh!

MR COLLAERY: The Chief Minister is ungracious enough to suggest that I am misleading the house.

Mr Berry: How come it was mentioned to the Administration and Procedures Committee?

Mr Jensen: The Bill was; but not that matter.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Jensen interjects, through you, Mr Speaker, and as a member of that committee - - -

Mr Jensen: No, I am not any more.

MR COLLAERY: He interjects, as a former member of that committee, and says that it has not been.

Mr Berry: You people are going to have to learn to play a straight bat.

MR COLLAERY: I am sure that the public here today are going to see Mr Berry in full flight. Let him keep going this way. Mr Speaker, I seek to have an informed debate today. I do not want it reduced to the left ideological unionist tactics that are employed elsewhere in the workshop by Mr Berry. Mr Speaker, the determination by Mr Kaine was made on 4 February 1990. That has not been tabled. That raises interesting questions of law, and I will not go into those at this stage.

Mr Speaker, the current Chief Minister has purported to make a further determination, in my view - not in the required form in which the former Chief Minister made his, but in the form of a letter to the Speaker. The letter says, and I read from it in part:

Dear Mr Speaker

I am writing to advise you of certain interim staffing arrangements for Members of the Legislative Assembly.

It goes on to state that she would be appreciative if he would advise the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Moore, Mr Collaery, Mr Stevenson and Mr Duby, in that order, of their allocations. One would expect the decision to relate to salaries and conditions. Then there is a letter to members from the Clerk of the Assembly that says as follows:

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