Page 2444 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 6 August 1991

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absolutely essential that we utilise what few natural resources this Territory has - that is, our brilliant suitability as a venue for conferences, conventions and exhibitions such as this - to encourage those much needed dollars into the Territory in this very difficult financial time. So, unfortunately, the Government's actions have really done enormous damage to our standing as a national and international conference and exhibition venue. If they have Canberra's interests at heart, they must reconsider this matter, and Mr Connolly should revoke his own direction.

MR CONNOLLY (Attorney-General, Minister for Housing and Community Services and Minister for Urban Services) (8.16): Mr Speaker, I am very proud to be a member of a Labor government that has made the decision that Canberra will not be promoting the international arms trade. I am proud to be a member of a party in government that has made a moral decision on this issue, and a decision that I feel is overwhelmingly supported by the community. Local government is not an easy issue. So often, those of us holding ministerial office in this Territory are confronted with dilemmas. It is all about a dollar here, a dollar there, and whether we can take some money out of one program and put it into social justice programs such as health, education or, in my case, welfare.

We are constantly struggling for more money for causes that we would like to support. We are constantly having to tell people, "We cannot put more money into welfare, housing, education or health". It is not easy; it is hard. There is not a lot of pleasure to be gained from it. But occasionally, just occasionally, government can make a decision that we can take real pleasure and credit from. Just occasionally we can get out from the mere ruck of looking at a dollar here, a dollar there, and make a stand on an issue. And that is what the Australian Labor Party has done on this issue. We are proud to confront this in any forum, any place, any time. We have said that our vision for Canberra is not as the centre of the international arms trade. We have said that on this issue it is not the dollars that count. We have said that we are prepared to forgo future income from future international bazaars.

There was a very strong view within the Australian Labor Party, and I would say within the community, that we ought to have gone one step further and cancelled Aidex '91, and I can understand that view. The problem with that view is that there was a firm contract to hold Aidex '91. We have sought legal advice. The clear view was given that that contract is in existence and, given the position that, as any lawyer would know, if you breach a contract you are liable for the foreseeable damages that flow from that breach, we would be up for millions and millions of dollars in compensation. That would not have been a responsible

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