Page 2439 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 6 August 1991

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The big problems with what they have done were summed up in a very good letter to the editor by Mr Bob Day, the managing director of Aidex '91. I will quote from that letter. He states that, following reports in the Canberra Times in relation to the present Government trying to induce him to cancel the Aidex exhibition, he would like to set the record straight. He says:

AIDEX is portrayed by some groups as aiding and abetting arms sales and exports to countries regarded as having suspect political regimes. This is simply not true.

AIDEX was established in 1989 to provide a Canberra showcase for international and Australian companies wishing to sell defence equipment to the Australian Government.

That is very important. He continues:

At the same time, local manufacturers use the opportunity to promote their capabilities for potential international partners.

Over the next 10 years, Australia will probably spend about $40 billion on defence, including re-equipment programs. AIDEX provides a focal point for manufacturers wanting to bid for contracts with the Australian Government. By providing this local showcase for most of the equipment on offer, AIDEX helps ensure the most competitive purchasing process.

Giving Australian companies the best possible opportunity to bid for Defence contracts could conservatively save up to $20 billion over this time in import replacement. I hardly need to point out to the ACT Government that spending money here, rather than overseas, creates jobs, encourages the transfer of technology and expertise to local businesses.

Added to this will be a worthwhile boost to tourist income and increased investment in the ACT.

It is worthy of note that he says:

The 1989 show generated $30 million for the Australian economy of which $10 million was spent in the ACT.

He says further:

The Australian Government's attitude towards arms control is considered among the most stringent in the world. AIDEX is conducted well within these guidelines, and with the Federal Government's full support.

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