Page 2425 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 6 August 1991

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Mr Speaker, the Rally supports this momentous agreement. We congratulate the Chief Minister on being party to something that breaks down nearly 90 years of dislocation in the country and we support the commonality that the Commonwealth seeks.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (4.39), in reply: Mr Speaker, it seems that we can dispose of this matter quickly; so I will not unnecessarily delay the Assembly. I thank members for their support of the motion which I have heard. Mr Speaker, may I, firstly, in answer to Mr Collaery's comments, table for the information of members a copy of the agreement that was reached at the Special Premiers Conference.

Mr Collaery also raised the point that, in his view, the Commonwealth could take this action anyway, and possibly he is quite correct. But I would like to state categorically that, before agreeing to the proposal made by the Commonwealth, I made it a condition that they would proceed on a motion from this Assembly. I think that is the right and proper course of action. We are a parliament in our own right. I believe it appropriate that the Commonwealth, on this occasion, be invited by this Assembly to legislate as they wish to do, but I do not believe it appropriate that they should use whatever rights they have in an arbitrary or unilateral fashion. So, I have made it a condition, as I say, that this Assembly consider the issue and vote upon it.

I thank members for their support. As I have said, it is a very important reform package and it will indeed have great benefits for the ACT and for other States. I will be ensuring, to the best of my abilities, in future negotiations on this, that the position of the ACT is well and truly protected and that our rights in relation to the scheme are the equal of those of other States. I think it is important that we have taken the step that we have, because that will assist in the recognition of the ACT's rights. It is, after all, only through our action that the other States are able to take advantage of this reform package. I thank members for their support. I believe that it is very important that the support has been gained through a parliamentary process of this Assembly. Again, I believe that it does in fact protect the position of the ACT and the sovereignty of our Territory.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Motion (by Ms Follett) proposed:

That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

Debate (on motion by Mr Kaine) adjourned.

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