Page 2382 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 6 August 1991

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Mr Speaker, I think it is also important to note that, over the years, I think some erroneous statements have been made, especially during the period of the Alliance Government when Mr Kaine repeatedly claimed that it was necessary to close schools and hospitals and to sack 3,000 public servants in order to meet the budget requirements faced by the ACT. I have consistently taken the view that that kind of draconian action was not necessary, nor was it effective. As we discovered with the schools closure debate, the closure of schools does not save money, and I think Mr Kaine would acknowledge that that is the case.

In conclusion, Mr Speaker, I think the kind of strategy that I have outlined is a much more even-handed approach towards a very difficult budget this year. We had a gap, to start with, of well over $50m. You cannot take that lightly, and I have attempted, in all of the budget work that has been done so far, to ensure that no particular sector of the community wears the difficulty that currently faces the Government in framing its budget.

Mr Speaker, I think Mr Kaine is wrong to imply that I have taken lightly the ACT's budget situation; I never have. Nor do I think that that situation in any way justifies the kinds of actions that Mr Kaine's Government took which, in fact, reduced services to the community. It is my intention to frame a budget which is responsible, which protects the services to the community and which reflects this Government's social justice objectives.

MR KAINE: I wish to ask a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Ms Follett, if you think that closing a couple of schools was draconian, would you like to tell me what draconian measures you will implement to cover the $17m gap which you cannot even identify at this stage and which you have to ask the community to tell you how to fix?

MS FOLLETT: Thank you, Mr Kaine. Mr Speaker, it is the case that the budget strategy which I have outlined still leaves a gap of $17m, and I have asked the community - indeed, I have asked the parties in this Assembly - for their indications as to what they think of the strategy as so far developed and ideas that they might wish to put forward on how to meet the remaining gap. I have been quite overwhelmed by responses from the community - some of them extremely informed and extremely helpful. They have come from all sectors of the community, and a great many have come from private individuals. Needless to say, I have yet to hear from any member opposite. It should not be forgotten, Mr Speaker, that Mr Kaine's budget - the one that we are just finishing, the 1990-91 budget - is heading for a deficit of $6.4m.

Mr Kaine: Not bad in $1.4 billion, I would have thought, in today's terms.

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