Page 2375 - Week 08 - Friday, 21 June 1991

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standing orders, both those formerly and those now, and Mr Duby holds an office which he has not vacated pursuant to section 14 of the self-government Act. I draw your attention to that, Mr Speaker, and I move:

That this house recognises Mr Duby as Leader of the Opposition.

MR SPEAKER: You need leave to move such a motion, Mr Collaery.

MR COLLAERY: I seek leave, Mr Speaker, to move the motion that I just indicated.

Leave not granted.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Speaker, I move:

That so much of standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Collaery from moving a motion that this Assembly takes note of section 14 of the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 and recognises Mr Duby as Leader of the Opposition who has not vacated office pursuant to section 14.

Question put.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 6 NOES, 11

Mr Collaery Mr Berry
Mr Duby Mr Connolly
Mr Jensen Ms Follett
Dr Kinloch Mrs Grassby
Ms Maher Mr Humphries
Mr Stevenson Mr Kaine
 Mr Moore
 Mrs Nolan
 Mr Prowse
 Mr Stefaniak
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

MR SPEAKER: I again pose the question to Mr Humphries: Do you accept, do you consent -- -

Members interjected.

MR SPEAKER: I would like to get the question presented - - -

Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, I consent to that appointment.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

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