Page 2347 - Week 08 - Friday, 21 June 1991

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MR COLLAERY: Mr Humphries shows an alacrity in his response which indicates that he does not want to hear you on the floor, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, the decision is yours. This is no suggestion that you are in any way impaired in respect of your deliberative vote, which is given to you, of course, under section 18 of the self-government Act.

Mr Speaker, the cross benches are here, and they exist in other parliaments where the structure is that of a duopoly. Mr Speaker, we would prefer to be in one circuit in this chamber. That is the Rally's view. We are not alone in expressing that view. We have taken ourselves to these cross benches on the basis that we can start to get some real reforms going in the Territory. We were criticised for the action we took this morning. But those who have had time to read and reflect upon the documents we tabled will have seen that we put some careful thought into it and drew upon the experiences we have had in this chamber, experiences that others have had in this chamber, and the observations that other commentators, particularly some of the learned parliamentary observers, are making. Our attempt today was well motivated. It was properly conducted and, so that there would be no suggestion of hypocrisy on the part of the Rally, I did not seek to be sponsored for the position.

Let me indicate what this standing order would produce if it were passed. It would produce a situation of great instability in the chamber. It would certainly produce all of the divisiveness that we have seen in the past. The very reason why we wish to do away with standing orders 5A and 5B is to break down the inequitable and unjust speaking time allocations and other things throughout the standing orders that accrue to the Leader of the Opposition.

Those issues have been well traversed in the past. Members will see that in the Hansard and in the opinions given to the Speaker and the Clerk in the past when this issue has come up. Section 21 of the self-government Act provides as follows:

(1) Subject to this Act, the Assembly may make standing rules and orders with respect to the conduct of business.

(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), standing rules and orders may be made:

(a) for the election of a deputy (however titled) to the Presiding Officer; and

(b) conferring on that deputy such powers as are specified in the rules and orders ...

I have never conceded that the term "make standing ... orders with respect to the conduct of business" embraces and covers the creation of an office under this Act of Parliament. The office of Leader of the Opposition is an

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