Page 2339 - Week 08 - Friday, 21 June 1991

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blame for that can be put down to some of the characters we have in here, and indeed the minor groupings - and not the major traditional groupings. I think we will certainly see a swing back to the major parties at the next election. That has been reflected in the opinion polls. I commend this motion to members.

MR DUBY (Leader of the Opposition) (7.44): I rise to speak on this motion. I view this motion actually with absolute dismay and disdain.

Mr Humphries: I am sure you do.

MR DUBY: I will have a smile on my face all the time, Mr Humphries, unlike some sore losers. What this indicates to me is a complete abolition of the free will of this Assembly to elect the Leader of the Opposition. This is clearly what it is aimed at. For the Liberal Party, with five members out of the 12 non-government members, to claim that they have the absolute right, God given, to be entitled, first of all, to the position of Leader of the Opposition and, secondly, to the perks that go with it is, in my view, clearly ridiculous.

The fact of the matter is that, of the 12 non-government members, a majority does not wish the leader of the Liberal Party to be identified and have the position of Leader of the Opposition. The reason for that is quite plain. It is clearly ludicrous for Mr Humphries, or for that matter anyone who is the leader of the Liberal Party, to say that they are our leader; that they have the right to appoint, for example, shadow Ministers to shadow the minority government that we have here.

What is more, it is clear - well, I imagine that it is going to be the case - that the Labor Government members are going to vote with their bosom buddies, the Liberal Party members, to ensure that this is the case. Of course, what has happened is that Rosemary Follett has done a quick addition of numbers and realises that she could well be in this position herself next year and she wants to make sure that - - -

Mr Kaine: Next week.

MR DUBY: Next week, next year, whenever. She wants to make sure that the leader of the Labor Party is entitled to the perks that go with that office of Leader of the Opposition. I have announced publicly, since being elected to that position by this Assembly, that I intend to adequately and equitably share the resources that come with that position with all non-government members of this Assembly.

Mr Humphries: You will not have the chance now.

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