Page 2320 - Week 08 - Friday, 21 June 1991

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That is why I seek to have this matter clarified. It is a matter of great concern to me personally. In fact, it has already been suggested, and I heard it on television this evening, that one of the suspects for voting against the leader of the Liberal Party is me. I would like that speculation and that questioning of my integrity to be set to rest without question, Mr Speaker.

MR DUBY (Leader of the Opposition) (6.48): Mr Speaker, in perusing the standing orders I notice that there is no provision here that it is a secret ballot. That was the only question that I had in my mind; whether this was establishing a precedent which we would not like to see followed in future and supposedly secret ballots would become public. Given Mr Kaine's concerns and given the amount of respect which I think most members of this Assembly have for him, I support the motion.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

MR SPEAKER: The ballot papers will be stamped and initialled by the Clerk and then tabled.

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, the Assembly having agreed to the tabling of these documents, I would now like it to be recorded in Hansard that my vote on this issue for my party leader has been clearly established. I would like that on the record.

MR PROWSE: Mr Deputy Speaker, I seek leave to make a short statement.

Leave granted.

MR PROWSE: I also have been recognised on TV tonight as being the other nigger in the woodpile, or possible - - -

Mr Berry: That is a bit racist.

MR PROWSE: I am sorry; the one who voted against my leader. My ballot paper is there, clearly identified by me and by Mr Humphries, to whom I gave a copy of my printing before the ballot papers were presented.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Deputy Speaker, I seek leave to make a short statement.

Ms Follett: Whom did you vote for?

MR COLLAERY: It is all there. You can look now.

Leave granted.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Deputy Speaker, I think Hansard should also record that this regrettable and unprecedented step has been taken at the request of the Labor Party - - -

Mr Connolly: What nonsense!

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