Page 2316 - Week 08 - Friday, 21 June 1991

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MR BERRY: Yes, I will circulate that. In speaking to the motion, I would advise that I have also received correspondence from Mr Jensen on behalf of the Residents Rally, I suspect - the reborn Residents Rally, shall I say; Ms Maher on behalf of the Independents Group; and Mr Stevenson on behalf of himself.

Mr Stevenson asked to go on the Public Accounts Committee as well as the Social Policy Committee. Mr Stevenson's name appears only on the Social Policy Committee. He had previously asked me to do that in the course of negotiations. Ms Maher asked for Mr Duby to be appointed to the Public Accounts and Administration and Procedures Committees. Mr Duby is proposed in the motion for membership of the Administration and Procedures Committee, which he specifically requested in discussions with him. Ms Maher retains her position on the Social Policy Committee.

In relation to the request from the Residents Rally party, it requested that it get a berth on the Public Accounts Committee for Mr Jensen. His name appears in the motion, appointing him to that position. Mr Jensen requested to be appointed to the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee. His name appears in the motion, appointing him to that position. Dr Kinloch asked to be on the Conservation, Heritage and Environment Committee. Mr Collaery has been proposed in the motion for appointment to that. Dr Kinloch asked to be appointed to the Social Policy Committee and his name appears in the motion in connection with that committee. Mr Collaery asked to be appointed to the Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation Committee and his name appears in the motion connected with that committee. Mr Jensen asked to be appointed to the Administration and Procedures Committee. Mr Jensen's name does not appear in relation to that committee because Mr Duby had previously asked to be appointed to it.

There are only so many committees and so many holes. One has to do one's best to fill them all. I think, in the light of the consultation which has taken place and the letters which I have received, that the motion reflects fairly the position which would be acceptable to the Assembly.

MR STEVENSON (5.36): As everyone knows, I have been a member of the Social Policy Committee. I think there have been some three other committees for which I have nominated during the existence of this Assembly. At one time I was put on a committee, the Cultural Activities and Facilities Committee. There was a slight problem with that one. Prior to being put on the committee, nobody told me about it. Once again we have the famous consultation - - -

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. Is the member speaking for or against the motion? It is hard to make out.

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