Page 2233 - Week 07 - Thursday, 6 June 1991

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MR DUBY: I am still not sure which way he is going to go. It is clear that this no-confidence motion in this Government is going to be passed, God forbid, on the voices of Mr Collaery, Mr Jensen and Dr Kinloch. So be it. There is nothing we can do about that. We cannot make them change their minds. We have tried to talk reasonably with them over a long period - and I am talking about a period of some 18 months. I am particularly disappointed since, having listened to the words that Dr Kinloch said - and I am starting with you first, Dr Kinloch - I know for a fact that he has on a number of occasions, both in writing and verbally, given a commitment, not only to Mr Kaine and not only to the other members of this Government, but also to me - - -

Dr Kinloch: The Kaine-Collaery Government.

MR DUBY: The Kaine-Collaery-Duby Government.

Mr Collaery: Savour the words.

MR DUBY: Yes, precisely. I know that on a number of occasions you have told me, with your hand on your breast, "I can assure you that I will never ever vote against Trevor as Chief Minister".

Dr Kinloch: That was before he sacked Bernard.

MR DUBY: Nevertheless, that was the assurance. We then get onto the issue of whether he sacked Mr Collaery or not. Of course, you, through your own actions, absented yourself from joint party room action. Let the record show this, because I am going to say what the truth of the matter is. On Tuesday night of last week, both Mr Collaery and Mr Jensen - as I indicated in my speech here last Wednesday - said that they disagreed with a certain line of action and accordingly Mr Collaery said, "As Leader of the Rally" - and I remember that phrase - "I now declare to you that the Rally is no longer a member of this Government". That was on the Tuesday night.

Mr Moore: It was a negotiating technique. You were supposed to crawl to him and get him to come back.

MR DUBY: That may well have been the case. Strangely enough, that coincides with a conversation that I have subsequently had with the president of the Residents Rally, who described to me how he never dreamt that Mr Kaine's action would be taken. He said, "We pushed you so far so many times before, we never thought you would do it". That is the fact of the matter. Mr Collaery knows it, Mr Jensen knows it, and you have noticed that they are not jumping to their feet and saying that this is an incorrect version.

The fact is that Mr Collaery has made a lot of points - as has Mr Jensen - about the fact that they were supposedly sacked. The letter arrived on the Wednesday morning as a result of the Tuesday night discussions that were held in

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