Page 2231 - Week 07 - Thursday, 6 June 1991

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Responsible government demands that we live within our means. The Alliance Government has made the transition to that position a feasible reality. Responsible government is not only about fiscal restraint or coming to terms with the determinations of an uncooperative Federal Government; it is also about maintaining services. This is a most difficult task for any government, but it is all but impossible in a nation when it is in recession and at the same time significant funding cuts are also imposed on us by the Federal Treasurer. It is an almost impossible task, and the Chief Minister has brought us through that.

The Kaine Government deserves applause and accolades from the people of the ACT for good government in a most adverse situation. Our transport and urban services are still envied by the rest of Australia. Our health and education services remain of the highest quality. Our record on creating employment, reducing youth unemployment, providing social security services and caring for those in our community who are disabled and disadvantaged is equal to, if not better than, any of the other States.

The Government has put in place programs to promote multiculturalism and all the versatility and cultural richness that that brings with it. Our urban and natural environment has been planned and managed to provide not only a beautiful garden setting for our daily lives but also a variety of facilities for recreation. The ACT is one of the few wilderness-conserving States or Territories.

Unfortunately, we have before us today a motion from the Leader of the Opposition which has a destabilising effect on the whole of the ACT community. The arguments presented by many of the members during this debate have been based on what can now be achieved by a minority government. The point I would make is that the Kaine minority Government was not given a chance. We have had to appeal and to act as a majority government in an alliance that was not working.

You are about to change your colours, you are about to change your vote, you are about to change government, on the basis that you can now control this Assembly in a minority government situation. I put it to you, and this is the last chance you will have: Give the Kaine minority Government a chance. You have not seen them in action; you have never seen the Kaine minority government in action. So, I say to you, give the man a chance.

Much has been said about Mr Kaine's personal style of man management and leadership. He is aggressive and, at times, difficult to deal with. So what? This is the claim that we got from the Residents Rally; that they could not cope with Mr Kaine's position.

Mr Collaery: None of us said that.

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