Page 2220 - Week 07 - Thursday, 6 June 1991

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in advancing our community in Canberra. If ever there is something that is needed, it is the use of whatever abilities we have. I refer not only to the members of this Assembly, but to people in Canberra in unions, in businesses and in every other aspect of our society. All people in this Assembly should be using their abilities. We do not need a shadow this, that or the other.

Secondly - and this is something else we have surveyed - people want elected members of parliament to follow the majority expressed will of the people. They do not want them to follow the minority expressed will of the party, or whatever vested interests are controlling the party. Eighty per cent of people in Canberra want that, as against 8 per cent. We all know this; yet so many of us tie ourselves up within party groupings and again and again vote against our conscience and vote against that which we know is sorely desired by the community.

I firmly believe that self-government should be abolished. I have never retreated from that viewpoint. The people in Canberra increasingly, on our surveys, have said that I should continue to work for the abolition of self-government. I should make the point that while I have been in this Assembly I have never sought to destroy the Assembly by creating havoc. I think it should be stopped, but it should be stopped legally. It should be stopped by the people of Canberra demanding that their will be heard above the voice of controlling political parties.

We have a phenomenally wealthy country in Australia. I defy anybody in this community to come to me at any time and tell me one single thing that we lack in Australia that one would need in a society. If the rest of the world sank beneath the ocean five minutes ago, I defy anybody to prove to me that we would have a problem in surviving. We have phenomenal wealth in every single area.

There is one thing we lack; we lack the will of people who are controlled by political parties to follow what they know should be done. Enough people know what should be done, regardless of whether they are prepared to tell the public that they know that or not. Other people may not have done their homework and may not realise that the financial and banking control of our country, of our Territory and of our community is such that we can go only one way. Like the rest of the world, under these insane economic policies, if you could call them that, and corrupt bookkeeping principles, we can only continue to go into ever-increasing debt. More and more people will be unable to afford homes; more and more people will become unemployed; more and more people will not work together as a group.

We are seeing tremendous destruction within the family unit, in Australia and elsewhere. But it is not because we lack anything in this country apart from the will of good people who are elected by the community to support them to

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