Page 2216 - Week 07 - Thursday, 6 June 1991

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MR JENSEN: The Rally will support the Supply Bill, Mr Kaine, and seek to ensure a responsible budget, albeit a tough one because of the treatment of the ACT by the Federal Treasurer and the Prime Minister with their thimble and pea trick of "Here is your $53m, but we will take it off this year's allocation". Frankly, Mr Speaker, the ACT community has been ripped off by them providing us with funds from a trust account. I wonder where the interest on that went. I will just wonder aloud on that one. I notice that the $53m does not include any interest on that money that has been languishing there for the last two years. That account held funds for the people of the ACT from the last two Federal budgets. Talk about a thimble and pea trick; that is a ripper.

Mr Speaker, we have no mining in the ACT and very little rural industry or heavy industry. The leasehold system was designed to provide the ACT with an ongoing revenue base which Mr Kaine was prepared to dismantle. Ms Follett has acknowledged the importance both - - -

Mr Duby: That is a lie, and you know it.


MR JENSEN: I request that that be withdrawn.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Duby, please withdraw that.

Mr Duby: Yes, I withdraw the word "lie". It is clearly an untruth, though.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Duby! Let this not degenerate. I would ask you to make an unqualified withdrawal.

Mr Duby: Mr Speaker, it is a qualified withdrawal. It is untrue; it is as simple as that.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Duby, I ask you to withdraw unqualifiedly.

Mr Duby: I have withdrawn the word "lie".

MR SPEAKER: Yes, but you qualified it by calling it an untruth.

Mr Duby: If I interjected that it was an untruth, Mr Speaker, I would not be standing here before you now. The fact of the matter is that it is an untruth. Mr Jensen knows it and so does everyone else in this house.

Mr Collaery: May I speak to the point of order. Mr Duby lost his chance to say "untruth". He called Mr Jensen a liar.

Mr Duby: No, I did not. I said, "It is a lie".

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