Page 2212 - Week 07 - Thursday, 6 June 1991

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For many years Ros Kelly promised a pool in Tuggeranong. I have correspondence and I have seen letters to the paper back in 1986 where she was promising it and not delivering. This Alliance Government has started work on a pool in Tuggeranong. It is a very major complex and it will cost about $11.2m; but, where Labor promised, we have actually delivered.

Mr Duby: It is $11.5m.

MR STEFANIAK: I thank my colleague Mr Duby; it is $11.5m.

Mr Duby: Minister for Finance.

MR STEFANIAK: Indeed, that is why he corrected me there. Well done, Mr Duby. Mr Speaker, a number of other major capital works have been undertaken during the course of this Government in relation to sporting facilities. The racing industry's financial future and development future has been secured by legislation which ensures that 0.75 per cent of the TAB moneys go to the Racecourse Development Fund. This is the first time that they have been able to have secure financial planning as a result.

Under this Government, a number of other matters of significance have occurred. There is a review of sport, which I hope will be taken up by whichever government emerges today. It is a very comprehensive review which shows ways of saving money and administrative costs. By so saving that money I would hope that some of those savings could be turned back to where they should go, that is, the sports at the coalface.

This Government has given a greater emphasis, too, to women in sport and also people with disabilities playing sport. We have also increased funding and support to the ACT Academy of Sport, and the elite programs there are going very well. One particularly useful one was where four young ladies were selected from a study of all year 10 students and developed as rowers. They won the world championship rowing tournament in New Zealand.

I was certainly happy to make myself available, Mr Speaker, as the Executive Deputy for sport, to all groups, both big and small, which the former Deputy Chief Minister simply did not have the time to see. I think that was appreciated by those groups.

Mr Speaker, I close by saying that when one looks at the record of achievements of this Government - I have mentioned only very few in a couple of specific areas - when one looks at some 20 pages of this, there were a lot of achievements in a very short space of time. That is not bad for three very different and disparate groups of people; much better, I think, than all the other logical alternatives which we have before us today.

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