Page 2206 - Week 07 - Thursday, 6 June 1991

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it. I have put a line through many things. Motorcycle rider training - that was ours; we put that in and they carried it on. The Civic Shopfront relocated to East Row - I organised that before I went out as Minister. The new library location - I organised that before I went out as Minister. The new bus depot in Tuggeranong - I organised that before I went out as Minister.

Government trade waste service sold for $1m - that was great; ask the people around Canberra now what it is like getting trade waste collected. We had a very good service, but this Government decided to destroy it and it got $1m for it; that is great. And people were put out of work. The opening of Namadgi Visitors Centre - that was started before I went out of government. I have to say that it was already started by the Federal Government; I must tell you, Mr Minister, that not even I started that one. Extensions to Tidbinbilla - I organised them before I went out. The Birrigai Recreation Camp - that was in my budget before I went out of government, Mr Minister. I could go on and on, and I have not had time to read this, Mr Speaker. I could have gone on a lot more.

All I can say is that anything that they say that they did well was due to the Follett Labor Government's budget. It was all done when we were in government. They just took it over and did it. I am sure that if Mr Berry read through the health part he could say that that was part of his budget. I am sure that if Ms Follett read through it she could pick out all the parts of her area that were all part of her budget. And I am quite sure that if Mr Wood looked through the education part he could pick out all the parts that were in the Whalan part of the budget.

They are saying that those are the major achievements of the Alliance Government. There is a very nice way of saying what that is; but you would stop me saying it if I said it, Mr Speaker, so I will not say it.

Mr Moore: You are allowed to use "furphy".

MRS GRASSBY: It is worse than furphy; it is the sort of word that a lady never uses. A nice way of saying it is "balderdash". We all know what that means in rude words, and that is all complete balderdash. I guess that it was rushed out for this particular day. You can tell that it has gone to the printers in a jolly hurry. There are words missing; and I am not the greatest speller in the world, but even I can see that some of the spelling in it is bad. It was obviously rushed to the printers before we came into this house. It obviously had to be got through to prove what the Government had done.

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