Page 2203 - Week 07 - Thursday, 6 June 1991

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In other areas of social equity, the Government has been looking at ways of ensuring access to women in the work force by promoting the idea of employer-provided child-care in the ACT. We have encouraged the work of the Women's Employment Advisory Committee in this regard. I have had a round of consultations with government and non-government employers to seek their views on this issue.

Domestic violence is another area in the community that this Government has a commitment to resolving. I have ensured that the Government's work on domestic violence has had a high priority. I have met with many concerned individuals, experts, community groups and government agencies, to try to improve coordination in the area of domestic violence. This Government is seeking options for consideration, so that we can improve services for people who are affected by domestic violence. On national Stop Domestic Violence Day, the Government announced the formation of a Domestic Violence Consultative Committee which will report to the Government on the full range of issues affecting domestic violence sufferers. This initiative once again shows the Government's total commitment to involving the community extensively on matters affecting it.

This Government has set up and has continued to maintain many consultative and advisory committees and positions. I have mentioned two, namely, the Women's Employment Advisory Committee and the Domestic Violence Consultative Committee. Others include the Multicultural Advisory Committee, the Industrial Relations Advisory Council, the Women's Consultative Council and the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Employment. We have also set up liaison positions in the areas of disability, multiculturalism and the ageing, just to mention a few.

This Government is very committed to helping those people in our community who normally do not have a fair go. Unlike the Opposition, we do not try to scare or provide false hope. Our Government has put pressure on the Commonwealth to set up an ACT office for the Child Support Agency as quickly as possible. We have continued the pressure on the Commonwealth, which has set up an enforcement task force for the ACT. In the meantime, I have been helping many people get their entitlements.

Our continuing community discussions, State-Commonwealth relations and this Government's forward looking programs have improved not only our information base but also the information which can be disseminated to the community. In the areas of ageing, multiculturalism and disability, this Government has an outstanding record on which it can stand. Mr Kaine has already tabled a list of our major achievements so far, but our tasks are ongoing. This Government has committed itself to looking after the community in a responsible and effective manner without stepping on people's pride or dignity.

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