Page 2188 - Week 07 - Thursday, 6 June 1991

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Today is a very important day for the alliance Government and the Assembly. It is an historic occasion, which will see this territorial Government lead the way with its forward vision for the ACT.

It is strange, Mr Speaker; I heard the word "vision" again today. Here we have the Chief Minister subject to a no-confidence motion and it seems that he still has the same vision, but it is not working. He also said:

The alliance Government will put the people of the ACT first ...

You all remember that, I am sure. Or do you? I think you have forgotten it. Which people will you put first? The ones with all the money? He continued:

and will do so in a cooperative form of government -

listen to more -

in which all members will participate actively for the good of our citizens.

What hypocrisy!

Mr Kaine: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. I thought that we had dealt with that word, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: We have dealt with someone actually being called a hypocrite, Chief Minister; but "hypocrisy" is a borderline issue. I remind members to keep the debate at a higher level.

MR BERRY: Now let us have a look at the performance. By any account the Government that the Chief Minister leads will be judged as having reneged on its promises. There is no doubt about that. The words that I just read out have been reneged upon, and the community know it. There is no question about that. They have not had cooperative government. Where has the cooperative government been? This Government has been riddled with conflict.

Mr Duby: It is there in this legislation that we have passed. Look at it.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Duby!

MR BERRY: This Government has been riddled with conflict, and they are squirming. Listen to them; a government of uncertainty. Let us look at what the Alliance has achieved under the leadership of Chief Minister Kaine. It has been a disaster for the community. The Liberal Party have been happy to ride roughshod over everyone to implement what is

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