Page 2164 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 29 May 1991

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things? When you are supposed to be the lawmakers, you are supposed to keep the laws - and that is why we are here. So why are you still here, Mr Stevenson? Why get up and make this great speech about getting rid of it? Oh, what absolute hypocrisy!

Mr Stevenson: Ellnor, I will be happy to go hand and hand with you and everybody any time you like.

MRS GRASSBY: I always love that statement. I always remember a friend who talked about how we should be giving more to humanity and more to the poor people of Ethiopia. This person happened to have about $10m, and I said, "Why don't you?". And he said to me, "Ellnor, I will give when you give and everybody else gives". What a wonderful statement - "I will go when you go"! I believe in self-government. I believe that there should be no taxation without representation, and that is what we have here. I believe in it. But from you we hear such hypocrisy. The Residents Rally at least did not make that statement. I can give them one tick or one gold star. But you sat here and took it. As for Mr Duby laughing over there, the same thing applies. He sat there and took it.

Mr Duby: I am just thinking how good you are when you have not got notes.

MRS GRASSBY: Listen, Mr Duby, why do you not get lost where they do not have a found department. It would help us all here.

I think that everything we have seen played out today is a charade. They could have stopped this a year ago. But they have gone along saying "Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa". Well, forget it. Believe you me, the people outside will remember at election time. We are not going to get the chance before, obviously. We are going to have to wait till February 1992. They will realise what they have done, and they will then tell them exactly. They will give them their marching orders. They will tell them to pack their bags and go. Unfortunately, the damage they will have done is just too serious.

MS MAHER (12.31): Mr Speaker, I rise mainly to endorse the comments of Mr Duby in that the Rally has had a positive input into and influence on the Alliance Government. I agree with many of the policies and ideas that they have had. The Alliance Government has worked for the last 18 months to provide a good and stable government to the community, and we will continue to do so. The members of the Alliance joined with the knowledge that we all were coming from different views, and we have respected each one's views.

The time has come for a parting of the ways, and I feel it is very regrettable. I have enjoyed working with the members of the Rally and I think it is sad.

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