Page 2152 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 29 May 1991

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to which he had given his commitment. We have also seen acts of disloyalty from the Liberal side of the Alliance Government. Mr Duby, of course, has been mostly concerned about himself and has not had much time to do anything else.

Mr Duby: I have been very busy.

MR BERRY: Very busy looking after yourself, and I think you have done a good job. I think most people in the community would say that you have looked after yourself very well, thank you very much.

A few weeks ago we saw the beginning of a pincer movement when Dr Kinloch left the Alliance Government. I said, "Oh, what are they up to now? Another bit of grandstanding methinks". I was right. But it did not work. Somebody had to make a decision about when the Alliance Government would fall apart. Mr Collaery wanted to make the decision because he wanted to get the electoral credibility out of it. Mr Kaine wanted to make the decision because he wanted to be seen as a strong leader. As it turns out, Mr Kaine has taken the cake. He has milked the cow dry and booted them out.

Well, he will not get much credibility for that, because the people of the ACT know who is responsible for the mismanagement in the Territory. It is Mr Kaine and the Liberal factor within the Alliance. They know that what Mr Kaine set out to do was to produce the goods for his constituency, the business sector. There is no question about that. They have demonstrated that there is no concern for the community of the ACT. They have demonstrated that there is no concern for those people who want a quality education system. They have demonstrated that they have a lack of concern for the massive youth unemployment in the Australian Capital Territory. They have demonstrated that they are prepared to accept as proper a hospital system that turns away the sick. That is just not good enough in the Australian Capital Territory. The Alliance Government deserves to fall apart.

Mr Speaker, this Alliance has been one of political expediency, but it has been the Liberal political agenda that has won the day. The shame of it all is that the Residents Rally have participated in that. They have been willing participants, not reluctant ones. They have played the game all the way down the line.

Let us look at the litany of policies that they have ratted on. The list is too long to talk about in the brief time that I have available to me, Mr Speaker. We just have to look at schools and hospitals and the number of people in the community who are so angry about this shameful Alliance. I think the mismanagement of the hospitals and the education system is probably the peak of the inefficiencies which have been portrayed by this Government.

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