Page 2129 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 29 May 1991

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the Rally, as is the legitimate way to develop policy. It is the way that my party does it. Their elected representatives time and time again have sought to deny that policy, have sought to prop up the Liberal agenda. That is exactly what they have done.

Mr Speaker, we have come to the point this morning where Mr Kaine has sacked his Rally comrades, and I say: It is about time; it is not before time. Under this destructive Alliance, which the Rally has been a willing partner in up until this point, we have seen the Canberra community, our facilities, our assets, eroded and degraded.

Mr Collaery: How many schools did you reopen in your seven months, Rosemary? How many of Ros Kelly's closures did you reopen? Not one. You are a hypocrite.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Collaery, please!

MS FOLLETT: Mr Speaker, I ask that that be withdrawn.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, I would ask you to withdraw that, Mr Collaery. We do not want the debate degenerating, please.

Mr Collaery: Certainly, Mr Speaker; but I thought we had allowed that term.

Mr Berry: Just withdraw it and sit down.

MR SPEAKER: Let us keep it calm, please.

Mr Collaery: Well, we have allowed it on the record in the past.

MR SPEAKER: I recognise that in the past, but today is - - -

Mr Collaery: There should not be an exception, Mr Speaker. I seek your ruling, consistent with your previous rulings. I have been called a hypocrite and you have allowed that on the record. I ask you to allow that word to remain on the record. It is on the record throughout Hansard in the last year.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Collaery, I do not wish to debate this with you. I will review the Hansard for previous occasions on which I allowed it. Please allow the debate to go on without the acrimony. Please proceed, Ms Follett.

MS FOLLETT: Has he withdrawn, Mr Speaker?

MR SPEAKER: He has not. I will review the Hansard.

MS FOLLETT: Thank you. Well, if we have raised the question of hypocrisy, I think that the reason why Mr Collaery is obviously so touchy on the point of hypocrisy is that he has constantly, throughout the past 18 months, throughout the duration of the Alliance, been called a

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