Page 2090 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 May 1991

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Mr Humphries: We want the best for the ACT; so, we are taking the time to do it properly. We are not going to rush in.

MR WOOD: I know that you had all the information that you needed; you had high quality advice and you have simply delayed the process. You seem to talk endlessly and take so long to take action that it makes one wonder about the seriousness of your intention on this, as on so many matters.

Finally, Mr Speaker, I have raised three matters tonight. I would anticipate that in the process of this debate I will have an answer on each of those.

MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts) (9.17): Mr Speaker - - -

Mr Duby: Start from the back and work backwards.

MR HUMPHRIES: I am inclined to. Mr Speaker, I am inclined to say something about the hospice. I think it is grossly unfair of Mr Wood to pour cold water on the hospice proposal.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: This chamber has had just about all it can bear from Mr Duby. I think it is about time that he was named.

Mr Duby: Sit down; sit down.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Duby, please! Mr Berry, the comments across the floor had decreased considerably until Ms Follett came back in. You are now raising them as an issue. I have warned Mr Duby not to interject, and he has not interjected until this minute.

Ms Follett: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: You just named me in connection with interjections. I have not said a word. What is the relevance of that remark?

MR SPEAKER: That is not a point of order. Please proceed, Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, it is quite churlish and quite disreputable to pour cold water on the Government's intentions about a hospice. We have said that we will provide a hospice; we are well advanced in that process. We have already spent quite a lot of money getting the best possible advice on how a hospice should be structured in the ACT, and at the end of the day I, as Minister for Health, will be opening that hospice. I wonder where Mr Berry and Mr Wood will be on that day when that happens. Where will they be then, I wonder; what will they be saying on that day? I think they will be very embarrassed.

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