Page 2087 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 May 1991

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Minister for education, health and other matters whether he will, in the course of this debate, detail the extent to which that budget has blown out. At various times during the year we came up with figures of the costs, and we are still seeking the full range of the costs. I thank Minister Duby for providing me with some information - some interim information, I would think - on the cost of repainting roads and changed traffic arrangements, and there is a whole host of other costs.

I should think that the very poor decision that was made to vacate the former South Curtin school is going to add an enormous cost to that whole process. If ever there was a poor decision made it was that one, because that ex-school was occupied by a very considerable range of activities, some of them performing quite specialist programs, and to relocate them all has set in train a domino effect that has added tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars to the costs of the school closures. I do not think we are yet close to understanding the full cost of that. It was a very foolish decision.

The decision was made without any clear appreciation of what was involved in all that. And there is still one that continues. The behavioural disturbance unit, formerly at South Curtin school, was suddenly shoved to the former Holder Primary School because there was nowhere else for it. It is now threatened, I think more from the department's point of view than from the Minister's actions, with closure.

Mr Humphries: That is not true.

MR WOOD: I understand that it is certainly going to stay in operation.

Mr Humphries: Yes, it is, and in the same place.

MR WOOD: And in the same place. And it will stay there indefinitely, I understand.

Mr Humphries: No, until it moves to Dairy Flat.

MR WOOD: I see. Through you, Mr Speaker: I ask the Minister: If it does move to Dairy Flat, will it, in fact, be the same program or a very similar program, and will it be for the same number of students?

Mr Humphries: No, it is a better one, probably with more students.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Humphries, would you like to take the floor and help?

MR WOOD: Probably more. That is quite interesting.

MR SPEAKER: Please get on with your speech, Mr Wood.

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