Page 2084 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 May 1991

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a disgraceful performance, and it was not helped any by the Minister's attempts to cover up the real problems in our ambulance system. These cover-ups, Mr Speaker, were absolutely - - -

Mr Humphries: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I think that to allege that a Minister has been involved in a cover-up is quite unparliamentary, and I ask Mr Berry to withdraw that allegation.

MR SPEAKER: I uphold that objection. Mr Berry, I ask you to withdraw that.

MR BERRY: I withdraw that. Mr Speaker, what the Minister did was to deliberately concoct arguments which were constructed to mislead the community. The fact - - -

Mr Humphries: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Again, Mr Berry, I would - - -

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, I am finding it very difficult to say good things about this Government, and it seems to me that it is raised as a point of order if one says anything that is critical.

Mr Humphries: Yes, I know; but do not say things that are not true. Come on, take your medicine, Wayne.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, I ask you to withdraw that comment about concocting misleading evidence. The words that you used inferred that the Minister had purposely misled the public.

MR BERRY: No, Mr Speaker, I do not - - -

Mr Duby: Mr Speaker!

MR SPEAKER: Just a minute, Mr Duby.

MR BERRY: Mr Duby has not taken the point of order. Just sit down, Craig, and mind your own business.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I just ask you to withdraw that so that you can get on with your speech.

MR BERRY: I withdraw that.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, this Minister provided inaccurate, deliberately misleading information to the people of the ACT. It was misleading, and I will explain why it was misleading. This Minister said that there was nothing wrong with the Ambulance Service. He pleaded to the people of the ACT that there was nothing wrong with the Ambulance Service, that it was performing the functions that were necessary.

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