Page 2078 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 May 1991

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MR STEFANIAK: I missed Tasmania as well. They have not been in very long down there, Chief Minister, but they are probably stuffing that up too.

Mr Kaine: Long enough to stuff it up.

MR STEFANIAK: Yes. One only needs, perhaps, to look at New South Wales. I recall that, in question time earlier today, the Chief Minister, I think quite properly, pointed out that if Mr Goss gets in in New South Wales, and that does not look - - -

Mrs Grassby: He is already in, in Queensland.

MR STEFANIAK: What is his name? Carr, that is right, Mr Carr; I am sorry, Bob Carr.

Mr Kaine: The absolutely unforgettable Mr What's-his-name.

MR STEFANIAK: The absolutely unforgettable Mr Carr. If he happens to get in in New South Wales, which is looking increasingly remote, he will inherit a State that has been brought back from the brink of bankruptcy by a very sensible conservative government. Another name was bandied about here earlier today, and that was the great Gough Whitlam. What a magnificent financial stuff-up he made of this country. So, really, I do not think you - - -


Ms Follett: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. Might I ask: Would you consider that term parliamentary?

MR SPEAKER: I really believe that that is a bit over the top, for a Deputy Speaker, in particular.

MR STEFANIAK: Mr Speaker, if you do not like it, then I will withdraw it. I will withdraw the term "stuff-up" and say "financial bungle and mismanagement" - something along those lines, if that is more appropriate.

Ms Follett: You know a lot about that; that is more your scene, you have to admit.

MR STEFANIAK: I do not think so. Ms Follett, I think you will find out what this Alliance Government has, in fact, done to this Territory if you happen to take over in February 1992, and that is a long way off. You think the Greiner Government was complacent. I think you people are very complacent if you think it is just going to fall into your lap. Anything is possible here - anything, from the foregone conclusion. On the off-chance that you do take over in February 1992, you will find a Territory that has actually been very well managed financially by this Alliance Government.

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