Page 2060 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 May 1991

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the matter and only possibly getting the bond money back. They are fearful about doing this and, therefore, do not go ahead with it. They walk away, leaving the landlord winning - with obvious glee at the fact that he has made more money on the property than he is entitled to.

We all know that rents in Canberra have become quite dear due to the current lack of rental properties. So, the landlord gains a tremendous amount of extra money to which he has no right. Under a rental bond board scheme the landlord would not get this opportunity. The tenant would not be daunted by having to go to a small claims court and would be able to face up to the fact that there is an opportunity here. So, I have no doubt that if a landlord is dishonest he will be found out. And this will be well known to people who rent properties from landlords. He will be well known each time a claim comes up as not being a very fair landlord. So this measure will make those landlords who are not scrupulously honest more honest.

Also, I think it will be a protection for real estate agents. They will be saying to landlords, "You now have to do the right thing". Many real estate agents have said to me, "We are put in a very bad position. The landlord has insisted that we keep the bond; that we get this money because he wants it. We know honestly that the landlord is wrong, but he is our client". And, as we know, many landlords in this city have many properties to let. I know one particular landlord who would have over 50 properties to let and, therefore, the real estate agent that has him as a client has no intention of bucking this landlord. He is going to go along with this.

An honest real estate agent will welcome this Rental Bond Board because the matter will be taken out of his hands. He will not have to face up to the fact of telling a tenant, "There is nothing I can do about it", or agreeing with the landlord and saying, "You have to pay it up". It will put him out of that position and he will be able to say, "It is out of my hands now. It is up to the Rental Bond Board". Also, for a landlord who has been honest and done the right thing, it will take the matter out of the real estate agent's hands. He will be able to say to the tenant who he thinks has been a bad tenant, "I am very sorry, but it is out of my hands. It will have to go to the Rental Bond Board and it will make the decision on that".

As I have said, there are parts of the Bill that we are not happy about, and we will be putting up a few changes. I hope that Mr Collaery, when he sees them, will agree to them. We have had lots of discussion out in the community, as has he, I know, because this second Bill is far better and does cover most of the points we have been concerned about. I hope that, when we come to the point of moving our amendments, the Government will agree with them.

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