Page 2055 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 May 1991

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There is, of course, one other aspect that does need to be further addressed, and that is lease renewal, especially commercial lease renewal. Mr Deputy Speaker, the private sector is the sector that will create jobs and I would have thought all members recognised the importance of providing employment, especially youth employment, for this city. The private sector will be the only sector to provide development for the city. Lease renewal must be the same for both residential and non-residential leases.

Unfortunately, lease renewal has received an enormous amount of media publicity over the last few weeks. That, as I have said, is unfortunate. Mr Deputy Speaker, you have already addressed your additional comments in relation to this specific area and I believe that they have been well covered. There is no doubt that non-residential leases and residential leases should be treated equally. The private sector should be encouraged. Already they make a significant contribution in economic terms through land tax, betterment charge and stamp duty, to name but a few.

Mr Deputy Speaker, there has been some uncertainty relating to land issues in the ACT. With the enactment of this legislation I am sure we will see more certainty. However, there will be some minor adjustments that will need to take place well after the legislation is enacted. I think it is also appropriate to acknowledge that this is the only State or Territory in Australia where planning legislation and the Territory Plan were worked on at the one time.

In conclusion, my thanks go to all involved with the committees' report - the committee staff and those who appeared before the committees, or contributed through written submissions. I look forward to the government response on this report.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I call the Chief Minister.

MR KAINE (Chief Minister) (4.20): Mr Deputy Speaker, I move that the - - -

Mr Berry: I take a point of order.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: What is your point of order, Mr Berry?

MR KAINE: Mr Deputy Speaker, I move:

That the debate be now adjourned.

Mr Berry: Mr Deputy Speaker, it seems to me that the Government is operating under the misconception that opposition members are not able to speak further on this matter.

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