Page 2032 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 May 1991

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MR HUMPHRIES: Of course, he had his chance to do that. He had his opportunity, but he failed to grasp the nettle, basically, I suppose, because he was too busy grappling with budget problems of his own at that time. Mr Speaker, I will be able to announce - - -

Members interjected.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, could I have some order, please?

MR SPEAKER: I would like you to have some order, Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES: I will be able to announce details of the ACT's first hospice in the coming weeks, when the details are fully settled. The ACT's facility in this regard will be very good. We have taken careful stock of all the advice available to us on the provision of hospice services, and as a result I am sure that the ACT's facility will be among the best in the whole country. I am looking forward to making that announcement. When the details are known, I am sure that Mr Berry will be one of the first to hear about it.

MR BERRY: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. I must say that I am pleased, after today's questioning, that my predictions have come true. It will cost as much to close Royal Canberra Hospital North as it will to keep it open. But since you are - - -

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I do not think he is in a position to make a statement of that kind. He is supposed to be asking a supplementary question.

MR SPEAKER: Your objection is upheld. Mr Berry, get to your point immediately, please.

MR BERRY: I just want to ask a question, not make ministerial statements. I will save them until next year. Since you are already $17m over budget, where will the money for these hospices come from, or do you still have no idea?

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I think Mr Berry will have to be patient. I know that it is very hard for him to wait and see what happens in that regard, but the ACT Government has made no secret of the fact that it was budgeting quite separately for those matters. Mr Berry knows that. Mr Berry has asked questions about that in the past. Not even he would have the effrontery to rise in this place and pretend that there was ever an expectation that the $154m to which the Chief Minister referred earlier today was somehow to pay for all these additional items, such as a hospice, a birthing centre, the QEII home's relocation, et cetera.

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