Page 2028 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 May 1991

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there is land rent, or land tax, which we levy, and which differentiates them from residential leases. Thirdly, there is the betterment tax. If and when a lease is to be used for some new purpose, we collect a very substantial betterment tax in some cases. Fourthly, of course, there is the question of what it will cost to renew a lease when it expires.

In the broad context of that debate I think it is quite spurious to focus in on only one element of that revenue collection formula and say that the Government has somehow forgone considerable revenue. It has not.

Mr Moore: It has so.

MR KAINE: It has not, and, as I have also gone to great trouble to explain, the financial ramifications of this have not yet been dealt with by the Government. In fact, my understanding is that a submission covering all of these financial aspects of the matter will be brought to the Cabinet next Monday, if all goes to plan. So, you are anticipating a debate. You are speaking from an ill-informed position on what the crux of the matter is.

Ms Follett: Better informed than you are, heavens above.

MR KAINE: Do you want to get into a debate with me, Ms Follett? I think I will beat you hands down, if that is what you want.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Chief Minister!

MR CONNOLLY: I have a supplementary question. Chief Minister, do I take it from that that not only have no projections been done on projected loss of revenue, but the figures generally had not been done on this issue before the decision was taken?

MR KAINE: No, you cannot take that at all. I told you what the projections were, based on past experience and the fact - - -

Mr Connolly: What a way to make decisions. You said that you hire experts.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Connolly!

MR KAINE: Do you want to debate this, too? I will beat you hands down, too, because you obviously have no facts to speak from. As usual, you are talking off the top of your head.


MR KAINE: I am answering a supplementary question, I thought, Mr Speaker. Does he not want to hear the answer?

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