Page 2021 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 May 1991

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The contrast was that we stepped up to the breach, examined the problem and gave you the answers, but your Minister did not act on them. What I want to know is: How many more budget blow-outs will you allow before you intervene in Mr Humphries' portfolio, which is obviously beyond his management capabilities?

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, first of all, Mr Berry's premise - - -

Mr Humphries: Blow-out Berry.

MR KAINE: Mr Berry said that he stepped into the breach and fixed the - - -

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I heard Mr Humphries interject, "Liar Berry". I require that to be withdrawn.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Humphries, what did you say?

Mr Humphries: I said, "Blow-out Berry", Mr Speaker, and I certainly will not withdraw that.

MR SPEAKER: I ask that you withdraw your objection there, Mr Berry.

MR KAINE: Mr Berry is obviously very sensitive on this issue. He jumps to his feet and says that he jumped into the breach and fixed the blow-out in the hospitals. But history speaks for itself. When we took government he was still dithering about what to do with the $7m blow-out that had taken place in the first three months of his ministry.

Mr Berry: What are you going to do about your Minister? Come on, that is the question.

MR KAINE: Let us just look at that. It was $7m in the first three months. If that had continued, it would have been $28m by the time the year was finished. And you stepped into the breach! You stepped into nothing except a whole bunch of clag, and you have not got your feet out of it yet. The fact is that you did nothing, and while you were dithering about what to do about the $7m you could not make up your mind whether to fire your advisory committee or to give its members a job. And at the same time you were talking about a hospitals redevelopment project of $216m. You did not know where the money was coming from then; you still do not know where it was going to come from. So, do not talk about fiscal responsibility and financial management.

I will come to the second part. Since you made a statement and I have answered that, I will now deal with your question. To the contrary, the Minister has been very responsible. First of all, he did not jump to conclusions and run around kicking everybody's head like you might have done, if you had bothered to do anything, which you did

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