Page 2013 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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Tuggeranong Health Centre - Building Alterations

Mr Berry - asked the Minister for Health, Education and the Arts on 30 April 1991 -

(1) When were the faults in the stairs at the Tuggeranong Health Centre first discovered.

What provisions of the building manual or other relevant code were not complied with as far as the alleged faults were concerned.

Have the alleged faults with the staircase been the subject of a report by an engineer and if so, will the report be tabled.

(4) When was the contract for alterations to the staircase let; and when did work start and finish:

(5) How much did the alterations cost..

Mr Duby.- the answer to the Members question is as follows:

It is appropriate that I respond to this question as the subject properly belongs to my portfolio rather than that of the Minister for Health, Education and the Arts.

(1) 26 July 1990.

(2) Building Manual part 24.27, Clause (5a) (a) which relates to the space between horizontal handrails.

(3) There has been no need to have a report prepared as the noncompliance was in fact identified by ACT Public Works prior to the building being completed. The modified design was prepared by the consulting architects and the builder made the necessary arrangements.

(4) The contract for the alterations was included in a package of additional work requested by the Ministry for Health, Education and the Arts. The contract was ,let on 15 March 1991 with the work commencing in late March and being completed on 17 April 1991.

(5) The cost of the alterations was $13,750 and the issue of liability for this sum will be pursued with the design consultant involved.


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