Page 2006 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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Belconnen Remand Centre - Services

Mr Berry - To ask the Attorney-General:

(1) What services are currently available at the Belconnen Remand Centre.

(2) How many visits, both contact and non-contact, remandees allowed per week.

Mr Collaery - the answer to the Members question is as follows:

(1) A variety of services is currently available at the Belconnen Remand Centre and moves are underway to further improve the number and quality of services for remandees.

Remandees have aces to a full range of medical services. There is an official medical consultant who examines all detainees on admission and as required thereafter and one clinical and two psychiatric nurses are employed at the Centre. Remandees have access to public and private dental care and to all other medical services (including hospitalisation) as required.

Other services currently available include access to Official Visitors, answerable directly to me, who visit the Remand Centre at least once a week, and community based corrections staff for referrals and information. Remandees have access to ministers of religion upon request.

Over the last six weeks information sessions have been conducted by representatives from local drug and alcohol services. The AIDS Action Council also holds regular information sessions. Weekly tutoring in literacy and numeracy is available to all detainees. The Remand Centre has a small library, and detainees are free to engage in study by correspondence.


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