Page 2003 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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Question No 393

Cooperative Research Centres

MR WOOD - Asked the Chief Minister upon notice on 16 April 1991:

(1) Was a commitment made by the Government to provide some support for Cooperative Research Centres, a Commonwealth initiative, should any be established in the ACT; if so, what was the nature of the Governments offer.

(2) Is the Government aware that two of these centres are to be established in the ACT.

(3) Will any ACT Government support be forthcoming.

MR KAINE - The answer to the Members Question is as follows:

(1) Yes. The ACT Government recognises the importance o= the Cooperative Research Centres to the ACT, and has committed up to $500 000 in cash and kind in the 1990/91 financial year. This is to support research centres established in the ACT in the first round of the Cooperative Research Centres Program, and demonstrates the ACTs commitment to this initiative, which requires cooperation between Commonwealth and State Governments, tertiary institutions and the private sector.

(2) Yes. They are the Centre for Plant Science, which will exploit the new developments of biology to design and engineer plants for future agricultural, industrial and environmental needs; and the Centre for Robust and Adaptive Systems, which will develop signal processing and feedback control systems for industrial applications. Both have the Australian National University and CSIRO as the major ACT partners.

(3) Yes. Discussions are currently taking place with the successful Centres as to how the available funds can best be applied.


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