Page 1977 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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ACT Academy of Sport Recreation Development 5

ACT Academy of Sport Academy Program 181.5

ACTCOSS Community Support 192.285

Belconnen Community Community Support 156.35


Canberra Civil Rehab Community Support 8.293

CARE Inc Community Support 193.706

Lifeline Community Support 106.103

Lone Fathers Association Community Support 1.594

Multiple Schlerosis Society Community Support 23.786

Northside Community Community Support 100.3 9 8


Salvation Army Community Support 165.463

Smith Family Community Support 148.817

Society St Vincent de Paul Community Support 124.292

Southside Community Community Support 90.081


Tuggeranong Community Community Support _ 130.338


Weston Creek Community Community Support 85.24


Woden Community Service Community Support 62.078

ACT Council of Cultural Community Development 33.255


ACT Council on the Aging Community Development 10.285

ACT Repetitive Strain Community Development 20.104

Injury Support Group

Arthritis Foundation . Community Development 11.882

Citizens Advice Bureau Community Development 129.758

Community Radio 2XX Community Development 70.916

Chisholm Community Community Development 2.191

Centre Association

Dickson Neighbourhood Community Development 0.547


Epilepsy Association Community Development 4.681

Gilmore Communtiy House Community Development 6.785

Isabella Plains Community Development 4.055

Neighbourhood Centre

Kaleen Community Assoc Community Development 19.563

Majura Womens Community Development 5.046

Community Group

Richardson Community Community Development 22.408

House Management

Royal Life Saving Society Community Development 32.056


SPCA Community Development 89.091


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