Page 1963 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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Question No 297


MR WOOD - Asked the Chief Minister upon notice on 22 November 1990

1. What formal or informal agreements exist between TAFE and ACTAID?

2. What is the legal standing of a private company within TAFE?

3. What agreements have been reached for the use of one bodys facilities by the other?

4. Do any agreements maintain the established rights of existing and new staff; what, if any, variations have been made?

MR KAINE - The answer to the members questions is as follows:

1. The relationship between the Institute and its wholly owned private company

ACTAID derives from three key sources:

the Ministerial approval in December 1988 to the formation of the Company, was the subject of a Statement by the Commonwealth Minister, Mr C Holding MHO, then responsible for ACT TAFE in the Commonwealth Parliament in April 1989 (see Attachment 1). This statement is the principle source of the functions of ACTAID in pursuance of the Institutes more comprehensive education and training objectives. ,

the Memorandum and Articles of Association for ACTAID as registered by the ACT Corporate Affairs Commissioner.

the role of ACTAID as financial manager of the Institutes commercial activities, has been elaborated in the Institutes Commercial Activities Policy Statement of December 1990, as agreed with the Board of ACTAID.

There is a variety of other correspondence between the Institute and ACTAID covering various other issues including Institute holdings of ACTAID shares, appointment of the ACTAID auditor consistent with the wishes of the ACT Auditor General and ACTAID payments to the Institute for accommodation and other services provided.

While these arrangements have been working smoothly, the Institute has recently commissioned a consultancy review of the Institute - ACTAID relationship in the light of the ACT Governments policy on Territory Owned Corporations issued in late 1990 and policy development in other Australian Governments on government owned companies. The consequential report will be available to OPSM for information.


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