Page 1934 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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the Chief Minister would do it; in which case, Mr Speaker, either he is going to do it in breach of standing orders or he is going to be directing the Speaker, which is not his function.

Mr Kaine: The Speaker went close to naming the member today. He has to do it only one more time, and zap.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you for your observation, Mr Moore. You are absolutely correct in your interpretation of the standing orders. Mr Berry, I do not uphold your point of order.

Mr Moore: Thank you, Mr Speaker. So it is an idle threat from the Chief Minister.

Mr Kaine: There is a process, and he will go.

Mr Connolly: On a point of order again: Mr Speaker, the Chief Minister is doing it again. He is seeking to dictate how you will exercise your discretion. As you said in answer to Mr Moore's point of order, Mr Moore is quite correct: No member can be suspended until you have exercised your discretion to name that member. The Chief Minister can huff and puff and try to blow the house down; but, unless you exercise your discretion, he cannot do it.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Connolly. Yes, you are right.

Mr Connolly: So, can you direct him to cease making these bully boy threats?

MR SPEAKER: Mr Connolly, at times they seem to be warranted. I would just ask you all to settle down and let us get on with the business of the house.

Members interjected.

Mr Berry: I did not mislead anybody.

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: Mr Berry again said that he did not mislead anybody. He is alluding to his earlier statement that the Minister misled the house. I ask again that he withdraw it.

Mr Berry: I did not mislead anybody. You are touchy.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Again I was trying to get on with the business. I did not hear what Mr Berry said. What did you say, Mr Berry?

Mr Berry: I am sorry that I baited the Chief Minister, and I withdraw any imputation that might be drawn from what I said.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

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