Page 1932 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, there is no imputation. It is a matter of fact that, in Mr Humphries' own words, he has shown that there has been a misleading of the Assembly, however serious it was or was not, and the record will show it. I do not have anything to withdraw. I have made no allegations.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I now direct you to withdraw, without any equivocation, the word "mislead" from your statement relating to Mr Humphries. I would just ask you to withdraw the word "mislead" because it has serious connotations which will be misread by others reading our Hansard.

Mr Berry: Mr Humphries has made a mistake.

MR SPEAKER: Please do not speak from your chair.

Mr Berry: I cannot withdraw what is on the record. It will show up on the record.

MR SPEAKER: I would ask you to withdraw your statement. The record stands, but what you are saying is implying - - -

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, the record stands, and I withdraw - - -

Mr Humphries: Withdraw.

Mr Berry: Do you want to have a go?

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed, Mr Berry. You are not running the house.

Mr Berry: The record stands, Mr Speaker. I withdraw that which offends you.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, that is a qualified withdrawal. Mr Berry has been pushing us to the limit, certainly all day today and positively for quite a long time, in terms of his intransigence and his refusal to accept your rulings. Mr Speaker, I think that Mr Berry is getting close to being suspended from this house. If he is not prepared to withdraw unequivocally, I am prepared to move his suspension from the house.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, the feeling of the house is against you. I would again ask you to withdraw unequivocally.

Mr Berry: I said that I would withdraw that which offends the Chair, Mr Speaker. I can do no more than that.

MR SPEAKER: You can withdraw the implication that Mr Humphries misled the house. That is the point that I am trying to make.

Mr Berry: If that offends the Chair, it is withdrawn.

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