Page 1913 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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report, prepared by the Standing Committee on Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation, and I would, firstly, like to thank the committee for their comments on the draft Bill.

Mr Speaker, two issues were raised by the committee, and I would like to take this opportunity to address them. The first issue concerns the carrying of identity cards by building inspectors, and the second concerns the process of the review of shutdown decisions. Turning to the issue of identity cards, I agree with the committee that the legislation, as it now stands, does not make it clear that the new provisions require building inspectors to carry an identity card when inspecting for legionella bacteria. I would therefore like to table an amendment to the Bill, which, in its effect, reflects the committee's view. I believe that that has been given to members. This change will result in three minor amendments to the Bill, in existing section 9(a) and in proposed sections 9(b) and 9(c). In that regard, I am pleased to hear that the Opposition will be supporting those amendments.

The second issue raised by the committee, Mr Speaker, is the review of shutdown decisions by the building controller, where building owners believe that the decision is questionable. The Government has thought long and hard on this issue and it wishes to confirm the Bill's existing provisions concerning this matter; that is, when an emergency situation arises and a shutdown notice is given by the building controller, this decision on the shutdown of the building will stand.

Should a building owner wish to appeal against the decision - and, quite rightfully, they may wish to appeal - the shutdown notice will still remain in force until the outcome of the appeal is known. I think that is a fair and reasonable requirement on behalf of the building controller, given the potential hazards and the chaos that would follow as the result of an outbreak of legionella.

Mr Speaker, I thank the Assembly for its support for the Bill. I now present the explanatory memorandum to accompany the amendments I have just mentioned.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

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