Page 1896 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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circumstances have changed, to remove the rebate privileges. Where this occurs, the rebate recipient has the right to appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Other minor amendments include, firstly, a change in title of the principal Act from the Land Rent and Rates (Deferment and Remission) Act 1970 to the Rates and Land Rent (Relief) Act 1970 to correctly identify, within the title, the broader range of assistance schemes; and, secondly, a new definition of "pensioner" to reflect updated references under the Social Security Act 1947 and the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986.

Mr Speaker, the Standing Committee on Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation has raised an issue on which I wish to comment. The committee is concerned that references in the Bill to the Commonwealth Social Security Act 1947 will shortly be out of date as the Social Security Act is currently before the Commonwealth Parliament and amended provisions are expected to commence on 1 July of this year. The proposals in the current Bill are to be in place by 30 June, of course, because we are now in the process of passing this legislation.

If, as a consequence of the amendments to the Social Security Act 1947, changes are required to the Rates and Land Rent (Relief) Act 1970 to reflect references appropriately, such changes will be made in a subsequent amendment to the Act. Until then, of course, the Interpretation Act 1967 will operate to construe the references in the Rates and Land Rent (Relief) Act as being references to the amended provisions of the Social Security Act.

I would like now, Mr Speaker, to comment on some of the points raised by members during the debate. The first point that I will comment upon is that raised by Mr Moore, who said that the Act actually refers to the owner of the land. I take Mr Moore's point, because we do have a leasehold system. What Mr Moore fails to understand is that the definition of the word "owner" is in the Land Rent and Rates (Deferment and Remission) Act and it refers to:

... in the case of a parcel of land held under a lease, the lessee of the parcel of land or, in a case where 2 or more persons are ...

It generally addresses the issue that he has raised. The definition of the word "owner" refers to a lessee rather than a freehold owner.

Mrs Grassby raised a number of points. She said that she was doing so on behalf of the ACT Council on the Ageing. I also am aware of those points raised by the Council on the Ageing and, in particular, I would like to comment on their objection that the Bill requires an application to be signed by the applicant. The question asked is whether the Bill covers a person who is incapable of signing an application and who has not given a power of attorney.

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