Page 1891 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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As I was saying, I do think that the Minister in charge of this Bill, Mr Duby, should have taken into account what the Council on the Ageing and ACTCOSS have to say about this part of the Bill. They were happy with the fact that something was being done about it but felt that it could have gone further and a lot more could have been put into the Bill. As I say, I understand that they have written to the Minister, but we have not heard back whether the Minister has taken this into account or not.

MS MAHER (11.12): I wish to speak in support of the Bill. Mr Speaker, the Bill contains several features which will be welcomed by ACT pensioner ratepayers. The Bill proposes to introduce improved services to pensioners eligible to receive a rebate of rates. These enhancements are expected to be implemented without additional cost to the ratepayer.

This Government is committed to ensuring that government services are provided to the community in a fair and equitable manner, and this Bill is an example of that commitment. The Bill proposes to amend the current rebate scheme for general, water and sewerage rates. Currently, a pensioner is disadvantaged because he or she is unable to apply for a rebate until the end of the financial year. Under this Bill a pensioner will be able to apply for a part-year rebate which will commence on the day the pensioner is deemed eligible. This will be of great benefit to those eligible for assistance in these difficult financial times.

Mr Speaker, the Bill also proposes to remove the need for pensioners to apply every year for a rebate. Instead, the Bill allows eligible people to make only one application. Those who are already receiving the rebate need not apply as they will automatically be eligible to receive the rebate every year. Mr Speaker, the ACT Revenue Office and ACTEW will be responsible for continuing eligibility status with the Department of Social Security and Department of Veterans' Affairs officers on a regular basis. The details of a ratepayer's pension eligibility status is privileged information and will be used only for the purpose of issuing a rebate of rates.

The fact that rebates will not have to be applied for each year means that the peak load period of annual rebate applications will also be avoided for the ACT Revenue Office and ACTEW. Therefore, administrative costs will reduce and the refinement of procedures will overcome inconsistencies and will increase public confidence in the Government's capacity to provide an efficient and effective level of service. However, Mr Speaker, to protect the community, the Bill provides for the rebate to be terminated if and when appropriate and for the Government to receive any amount owing. If pensioners feel that their rebates have been terminated unjustly, they will be able to lodge an application for an appeal through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

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