Page 1835 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 1 May 1991

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want to persist with this dog in the manger attitude, instead of trying to find the facts, then you just keep on. That is fine; we will just ignore you. But, if you really want to know what the status is and if you are really concerned about the good of this community, we will find out the facts and when we have them, if they have changed, we will inform you.

MS FOLLETT: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. I have heard Mr Kaine say that if the Government were to cease the supply of high lead country grade petrol today it would jeopardise the ACT's petrol supplies. I would ask: What deadline will you put for the ceasing of supply of high lead country grade petrol?

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, when we know, after consultation with the oil companies, at what point they can guarantee the supply of city grade fuel to Canberra, we can determine what date to put a limit on it. If it is going to take the oil companies five years before they can adjust their production so that they can guarantee the delivery of city grade fuel and we say that in 18 months' time we will ban country grade fuel, we will have no fuel. It is a matter of finding out the facts, negotiating with the oil companies and - - -

Mr Connolly: Doing what they tell you.

MR KAINE: I beg your pardon, Mr Connolly; I did not say that I was going to do what they tell me. I said that we were going to find the facts; that I was going to find the facts. If you can think of a better way of finding the facts, come up to my office after the Assembly adjourns tonight and tell me how you would go about this problem - if you are such a genius and you have a better solution to the problem. You are full of snide remarks. The Government is attempting to deal with this problem and all you can do is sit there and make snide remarks. You are not interested in the good of the community; you are just interested in scoring points, and that is what you do constantly. If you really believe in the thing, join with us and help us solve the problem.

Mr Connolly: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. Surely it is unparliamentary to say of any member of a representative assembly that they are not interested in the good of the community.

MR SPEAKER: I do not believe that that is a valid point of order.

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