Page 1825 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 1 May 1991

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Mr Speaker, Mr Berry also alleged that I had no concern on social justice issues. I simply draw attention to today's editorial in the Canberra Times that indicates that the Rally that I lead is left of Labor. That is saying something about the group opposite, Mr Speaker. I think we will let that judgment sit on Mr Berry, and that has probably stung him into action today.

MR BERRY: I claim to have been misrepresented, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed.

MR BERRY: In that short discourse Mr Collaery put it to the Assembly that he had been in some way misrepresented by me. That is quite untrue. My representation of Mr Collaery has been - - -

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, on a point of order: He is arguing the point; he is not saying how he has been misrepresented.

MR SPEAKER: I think, Mr Berry, you were getting to the point. I will allow you to continue.

MR BERRY: My representation of Mr Collaery has been entirely true. I have tried to present him as a dog in the manger, and I think I have succeeded in doing that. I have tried to present him as pursuing doublespeak in this Assembly in terms of - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! How have you been misrepresented, Mr Berry?

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, Mr Collaery has claimed that I have misrepresented him. I have in no way misrepresented Mr Collaery.

Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: This is a flagrant abuse of procedures here. He is not saying how he was misrepresented; he is simply restating his case.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Collaery. I uphold your objection and I ask Mr Berry to get to his point.

MR BERRY: I am getting to the point, Mr Speaker, but I need to touch on some of those issues which Mr Collaery claimed in his discourse were a misrepresentation of him. I have not misrepresented Mr Collaery, Mr Speaker; I have put to this Assembly a plain and truthful case that he has failed to deliver the goods, that he has been a dog in the manger and a spoilt brat.

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