Page 1814 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 1 May 1991

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That being the case, I think that the problem of intoxicated persons is something that is being dealt with in the appropriate place, and that, if I can quote from the committee on violence, is the "marketplace of ideas". That is where we need to frown upon the use of alcohol. That is where we need to look at the minimisation of the use of this drug, along with other drugs like tobacco. I think the methodology that Mr Berry is proposing is a quite appropriate methodology, and I must say that I am very disappointed that the Attorney-General has not responded appropriately on this particular occasion. More so than anything else, I am disappointed because not only - - -

Mr Collaery: How outrageous! I have to write your Bills for you, on that side of the house!

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Collaery, please!

Mr Collaery: I cannot restrain myself, listening to this.

MR SPEAKER: Well, please do.

MR MOORE: It is entirely inappropriate; I am disappointed at the inappropriateness. Most importantly, I am disappointed because Mr Collaery has had much more time to be able to do that than the time that he is prepared to give the people of Cook, Lyons, Hackett and so forth to respond on a much more complicated issue, with much less support.

The issue involved here that has made me greatly disappointed in Mr Collaery and greatly disappointed in his response to this is his duplicity, as illustrated once again here today. He has failed to find enough time to do something; but he will not be party to providing the community with a reasonable amount of time for consultation, in spite of the fact that it was a very basic principle upon which the Rally was founded.

MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts) (11.52): Mr Speaker, the issue that has been raised here, of course, is one about the nature of private members' legislation and just what should happen when it comes to this place. On the last occasion that this was debated, on 17 April, Mr Collaery ran through the arguments as to why there were flaws - - -

Mr Moore: You want to move an amendment, the same as we do to your Bills!

Mr Collaery: Just listen to the record now, Mr Duplicitous.

Mr Connolly: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: Is "Mr Duplicitous" a parliamentary interjection, or should not that be withdrawn?

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