Page 1796 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 1 May 1991

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That is the sort of response that one may expect to find in the community when there is a proper process of consultation. Mr Jensen is to be commended for giving this material to the community so that they can examine it. I am sure that that is the philosophy that Mr Jensen came into this place espousing - that the community should be able to look at these planning variations before decisions are taken. But then, having given the community the material and they finding significant errors, there is no time for proper consultation. There is no time for proper material to be put to the Government. There are reams and reams of documentation that the community would have to go through to look properly at this issue, and you are denying them the time.

DR KINLOCH (10.50): I am wearing blue underwear, but a multicultural tie, and I honour 1 May. May those around the maypoles be rejoicing outside. I have written to the Acting Chief Territory Planner to ask that the time for consideration of the green papers be extended to 30 June. That would seem to be a reasonable time for this process. Certainly I personally need more time. I cannot possibly respond to all those green papers by Friday. It is quite impossible. So I think we should ask as strongly as possible that that time be extended.

I have also asked that the Acting Chief Territory Planner take due note of the correspondence already referred to by Mr Connolly. I have written back to some of those people - they have sent quite detailed comments in some cases - to give them a copy of my letter to the Acting Chief Territory Planner. Finally, I have suggested that, in view of the closeness of the next election, no decision be taken in 1991.

MR BERRY (10.51): It is too late, Dr Kinloch; it is too late. I read in the Canberra Times this morning some interesting comments about the Residents Rally. One of the most fascinating was the one where they said that Dr Kinloch added some colour and movement to the Assembly. Well, the only colour and movement that I have ever witnessed is, firstly, the chameleon-like behaviour when he has changed his colour on the issue of schools, and, secondly, when he was ashen-faced, shaking his fist at Rosemary Follett in this place one night. It was a frightening spectacle.

It is outrageous that Dr Kinloch should now rise in defence of the schools when he was part of a process which put in place the destruction of schools in our system. He has to accept the responsibility for that because he played an active part in it; just as Norm Jensen and Bernard Collaery played an active role. They have to accept the responsibility for the destruction of the education system in the Australian Capital Territory, just as they have to accept the responsibility for attacking our hospital system. It is too late, Dr Kinloch.

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