Page 1769 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 30 April 1991

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The Government is not intending in any way to reduce the number of ambulances available. Indeed the Government has indicated on a number of occasions that-it is-prepared to consider and fund additional resources for the Service, should they be required. The Service is being monitored closely and to date, the Director has not applied to me for additional resources.

This is because the Service is adequately staffed, and appropriately resourced in vehicles and equipment. Further, the Service is nearing the completion of a major upgrading from a previous transport orientated function to a current highly sophisticated pre-hospital emergency ambulance service.

As a result of this work which has enjoyed full staff participation and acceptance throughout, some staff have experienced the normal stresses related to change in the workplace and a number of staff have been required to change roles within the Service, as their previous positions have become irrelevant to the functions of a modern service and,thereby, have been abolished.

It is because of this environment that the Service is managing, and well in my opinion, an unusually higher than normal staff absenteeism. I must again emphasise however, that this is a transient situation which will be corrected through the appropriate management strategies which are in place and are working.

The Service has the full support of the Government and I would ask Mr Berry to commit a similar level of support and assistance to the Service, from the opposition party, instead of the current strategy of attempting to undermine the public confidence in the top quality and reliable ambulance service enjoyed by the community.


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