Page 1721 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 30 April 1991

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I do not really believe she understood, and I think there were a number of people perhaps on the left of politics at the time who did not. I recall that, when I raised the issue as a matter of public debate in August and September 1989, a couple of letters were sent to, I think, the Chronicle from some women's refuges stating that they did not see the need for victim impact statements as they misguidedly thought that they would be detrimental to women victims. They really, basically, did not understand.

I am pleased to see, Mr Speaker, that with Mr Connolly coming into the Assembly and appreciating, I think, as an experienced lawyer the necessity for reforms in the area of victims and victims' rights, together with the ACT Community Law Reform Committee being established and the very comprehensive reference it is now undertaking, the issue of victims' rights is being well and truly addressed. I certainly look forward to their report because I think it is utterly essential that victims cease to be the forgotten people in our criminal justice system.

MR SPEAKER: Order! It being 10.00 pm, the Assembly stands adjourned until Wednesday, 1 May 1991, at 10.30 am.

Assembly adjourned at 10.00 pm

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